Portrait photo of Univ.-Prof Dr med. Achim Mortsiefer

Prof. Dr. med.

Achim Mortsiefer

Chair holder

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of General Medicine II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care

Chair of General Practice II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care

The Chair of General Practice II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care deals comprehensively with interdisciplinary cooperation and patient-centred care. As part of the Institute of General Practice and Primary Care (iamag), it works closely with the Chair of General Practice I.

Our focus is on research and teaching in general practice and outpatient healthcare. The main topics are doctor-patient communication, clinical decision-making, drug therapy safety, interprofessional care in multimorbidity, risk communication and digital applications in practice. We develop practice-relevant training and research concepts for GPs.


The research profile of the chair includes basic and health care research related to family medicine and outpatient healthcare. Projects arise from practice-relevant questions that are developed in daily practice, in dialogue with teaching physicians and students. Qualitative and quantitative methods such as surveys, focus groups, interview studies and multicentre cluster-randomised intervention studies are used. The team is part of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Services Research (IZVF) and works in close cooperation with national and international research institutions.


To the iamag team


Comprehensive courses are offered in the field of general practice and outpatient healthcare. Particular emphasis is placed on interprofessional training and patient-orientation in order to provide students with practical and future-oriented skills. This practice-orientated training optimally prepares students for their future role in the health care system.

Participation in the comprehensive and competence-oriented training of young doctors in the model degree programme in medicine under the mission statement of "patient-oriented medicine" is an important concern for the team. The Chair of Primary Care works closely with the Office of Student Affairs, the student body, the Chair of General Practice (Prof. Dr Klaus Weckbecker) and other chairs/professorships at the UW/H.

External contract lecturers from the field of family medicine and outpatient healthcare provide support in the teaching tasks. The following areas are in the foreground:

  • Subject area and track "Outpatient Healthcare" (AGV)
  • Courses in the subject "General Practice"
  • Subject area and track "Scientific work" (WIA)
  • Interprofessional learning
  • Participation in events of the Studium fundamentale (StuFu)


The following persons are available for enquiries:


Marina Frieben

Phone +49 (0)2302 / 926-7373