Citizens' University: “Born to see, ordered to look” - Caspar David Friedrich and his own gaze

5 September 2024 marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Greifswald-born painter Caspar David Friedrich. Much has already been said about his works of art, but how do his paintings look when you look closely? In his lecture, David Hornemann v. Laer, lecturer in art history at the UW/H, will follow Friedrich's suggestion to see "with your own eye" and to observe "how the objects appear to you" instead of remaining in "cold polyglotism".
The Citizens' University is a cooperation between Witten/Herdecke University (WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale) and the vhs Witten | Wetter | Herdecke.
Admission: 7 €/5 € (students)
Tickets are available at the box office.