CHE Ranking 2024: Human Medicine and Dentistry at UW/H with above-average ratings

A dentist performs a treatment on his patient.

The nationwide CHE University Ranking has once again recognised Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H) as having very good study conditions in both human medicine and dentistry.

Top marks in almost all categories in dentistry

Dentistry and Oral Medicine students are not only very satisfied with the general organisation of their studies (4.5 out of 5 stars), but also with the condition and technical equipment of the rooms (4.6) and the networking between students (4.7). They also praised the offers to promote career entry, e.g. through job exchanges, fairs and networking with employers (4.4), as well as the practical equipment of the degree programme, for example with simulation stations (4.6) and treatment chairs (4.4). In all these categories, the UW/H is above the average of all universities.

"We are very pleased that our work is reflected in such good results in the CHE ranking," says Prof Dr Stefan Zimmer, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine at UW/H. "We work continuously to offer our students an excellent professional education and first-class preparation for their careers. The fact that this commitment has paid off once again makes us proud." One point of criticism from the last CHE ranking (2021) was also improved this time: Library facilities were rated above average for the first time (4.1).

High praise for the integration of theory and practice in human medicine

The results of the survey in human medicine are also very good in most categories: students gave top marks (4.6 out of 5 stars), especially in the category "Interlocking pre-clinic and clinic". They particularly appreciate the direct practical relevance: "The preclinical programme is already very practice-oriented. You have contact with patients from the first semester onwards, which helps you to consolidate good contact, detailed anamneses and examinations over the years," according to an anonymous response to the survey.

In terms of the general study situation (4.1), study organisation (4.6) and support in patient teaching (4.4), the UW/H also scored better than the national average. The size of the courses (4.6) and the support provided by lecturers for questions and problems (4.5) were also positively emphasised by UW/H students.

Fundamental studies as a welcome change from everyday study life

In addition to awarding stars, students can express suggestions, praise and criticism in writing. The Studium fundamentale was particularly emphasised as a special feature of the UW/H: Here, students are given the opportunity to look beyond their own subject boundaries, adopt new perspectives and grow as personalities. Many see this as an enrichment of their studies.

CHE Ranking: the most comprehensive university comparison in the German-speaking world

Every three years, students are surveyed for the CHE University Ranking on various aspects of their university and their education. A total of more than 300 universities are analysed, making the CHE University Ranking the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in the German-speaking world. The complete ranking is available digitally at HeyStudium on ZEIT ONLINE at

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Svenja Malessa


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