Big crowd in the Teddy Hospital at Witten/Herdecke University

A plush mole in the operating room at the Teddy Clinic

On 5 December 2024, Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H) was once again transformed into an emergency room for stuffed animals: more than 150 children between the ages of three and six visited to have their sick cuddly friends treated.

Teddy bears with broken paws, rabbits with sore tummies and tigers with inflamed claws were lovingly treated and the young owners were allowed to participate as "assistant doctors" themselves. Here, the children playfully slipped into the role that their parents usually take on when it comes to visiting the (dental) doctor's surgery or hospital.

Just like in a real hospital, there was a clinic with a registration area, waiting room, examination rooms and an operating theatre. The children were allowed to describe complaints, ask questions and accompany their cuddly toys through the entire treatment process. More than 50 students volunteered their time and explained to the cuddly toy owners how they can take care of their pets' health.

A special highlight was the tooth brushing training: together with a stuffed horse, the children learnt how to brush their teeth properly under the guidance of dental students. At the psychology students' station, they were able to practise naming their emotions and feelings with the help of cards.

"It is very important to us to give children a positive and, above all, fear-free experience of medical and medical treatment," emphasises medical student Zoe Drückler, one of the student organisers of the project. "For many children, the day was an unforgettable experience that created trust and possibly even reduced existing fears."

The day also provided the students with valuable insights, as they were able to expand their skills in dealing with young children and gain practical experience for their future work.

Further information:

The Teddy Hospital now takes place every six months due to popular demand. The next event is already planned for spring 2025. The Teddy Clinic is free of charge and is financed by donations so that numerous "patients" can be treated again next year.As soon as the next date has been set, the kindergartens will be informed by email. If you have any questions or would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to

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Ein Plüsch-Maulwurf wird spielerisch operiert

Just like in a real hospital, there was a clinic with a registration area, waiting room, examination rooms and an operating theatre. (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

Gemeinsam mit einem Stoffpferd lernten die Kinder unter Anleitung einer Zahnmedizin-Studentin, wie sie die Zähne richtig putzen.

Ein besonderes Highlight der Teddyklinik der UW/H war das Zahnputztraining (Foto: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

At the psychology students' station, the children were able to practise naming their emotions and feelings with the help of cards.

Auf der Station der Psychologiestudierenden konnten die Kinder mithilfe von Karten üben, ihre Emotionen und Gefühle zu benennen. (Foto: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

A dentistry student explains how to brush your teeth properly. (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

A dentistry student explains how to brush your teeth properly. (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

Children explore the ambulance with students.

The children were also allowed to explore the ambulance and switch on the blue light (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich).

A student explains the X-ray image to a boy.

The X-ray shows: No broken bones. (Foto: UW/H I Lucy Mindnich)

A cuddly toy dog is "operated" on in the UW/H Teddy Clinic.

A cuddly toy dog is operated on in the UW/H Teddy Clinic (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

The organising team of the Teddy Clinic

The organising team of the Teddy Clinic (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

A child throws balls at a mouth, above which is written ‘Away with the Toothkillers’

‘Away with the tooth killers’ is the motto of the UW/H Teddy Clinic (Photo: UW/H | Lucy Mindnich)

Contact person

Portrait photo of Lucy Mindnich

Lucy Mindnich, M. A.

Communications Officer

Administration  |  Communication & Marketing

Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48
58455 Witten

Room number: 2.F05